At Thurrock Yacht Club we are a down to earth and friendly crowd who have come together as a result of our shared passion for sailing and boating. When we are not piling up the sea miles, or chasing each other ragged around the buoys we enjoy getting together and elevating our tibiofemoral joints - otherwise known as having a right old knees up!
The club is open every Thursday evening from 20:00 for club night. All members are encouraged to attend as these are a great opportunity to meet other members and find out more about upcoming events. In addition, the club is also open Saturday and Sunday lunch times so that members can gather to discuss all things boating both in summer and winter. During the week, the clubhouse is open most days from 10:00 to 16:00 to allow members to maintain their boats or just partake of a nice cup of tea and a chat.
We hold a number of social events during the course of the year, catering for a number of different interests. These include quiz and bingo nights as well as regular features such as our famous Burns night and our infamous New Years Eve parties.
We take every opportunity to combine our boating and social calendars. Over the last few years we have supported the Royal Yachting Association's "Push the Boat Out" campaign, and as there are so many bilge keelers in the club is it any wonder that we also enjoy the occasional sand bar-becue.
We use many of our social events to raise funds for charity. Regular beneficiaries include the Royal Naval Lifeboat Institution and Cancer Research.
A list of upcoming social events is included below: